In my first chance encounter with Alexandra, I immediately sensed an ally was present, which manifested as an abrupt feeling, can be a staggering sensation for a natural skeptic of people such as myself. This made our first interactions extremely memorable, and was an absolutely key experience for the journey that was to come.

After participating in just three sessions- I feel awake and unshackled, so much so that I have an emotional response even recalling the types of financial and spiritual devastation I was facing, so much of which I had no idea existed. Of the most foundational elements of the experience that I can credit my level of success with Alexandra to, is her inimitable ability to get to the core of a being, by means of breaking down walls of general distrust and resistance to the universe with such ease, in addition to her unparalleled intuitive ability to authentically hear and feel a person at their essence. Communication being no obstacle as a result of this, the work that ensued proved beyond fruitful. With each session, she pierced through the layers of self sabotage and lingering pointless blockages that once buried me alive, in order to gracefully, yet firmly, lift me high into a stable plane where gravity is scarce and light/sight/love is abundant.

I can’t imagine not having taken the leap that brought me to a place where now purpose and prosperity and so symbiotically and harmoniously intertwined. I am, in such a relatively short time compared to what I previously thought was realistic, so much more financially and psychologically free in my present moment as well as in my ability to reach new heights. It is the VERY least I can do to write this testimonal and share with others my uplifting experience. My journey towards abundance, personal development, and fulfillment has only just begun, and I am confident that the invaluable lessons I've learned through Alexandra’s guidance will continue to shape my path to success for years to come.

-Dustin Hiznay, Account Executive

Immediately following my abundance session with Alexandra, I felt a deep sense that I was calling my energy back towards my body, While the focus of my inquiry was on financial resources, it quickly became clear that the way I am channeling my sexual & creative energy holds the key to how I can increase my wealth. Alexandra was able to support me to identify areas of my life where I was draining my vitality, and therefore reducing my capacity to hold abundance. In the days and weeks following my session, I felt a marked increase of strength in my boundaries, focus, and creative energy. In addition, Alexandra shared psychic intuitions in our session that have continued to unfold in surprising ways. I am so grateful for her support on my creative journey. As a healer and psychedelic Guide myself, I am sensitive to whom I open my psychic field...I always feel safe and protected with Alexandra.

-Alexandra Carelli, MFT.

Alexandra's interest in the subconscious, especially in its interconnection to sound and memory has always been the forefront of her work. Within one unblocking session I noticed results in my reality.

-Max Talan, Founding Partner- / CFO The Creative Society/Angel Investor

A feeling of vibration eyes are fluttering t

apping into intrinsic magnetic history as programmed through sense memory and neural coding.

It is a strange thing to confront the subconsious wounds impacted during a time which we cannot remember in our adult lives…aka the time of being 1-12 months.

The more attuned I am to my spirit, soul and chakras, the more I understand the way that different waves and cycles create energy in our lives.

What I feel Alexandra brings to the table which needs to be communicated on social media

She posses a spiritual discipline and ethic in her work as a healer/intuitive coach.  She is a professional not a dilettante.  An artistic practice as a musician, writer and filmmaker, she can communicate ideas artistically, not just creating content for contents sake.  There’s an art to her world. She is trained in cutting edge healing techniques which have a proven track record with her clients and mentees.

What makes her different

She has an actual practiced practice, and a set of programs which can be offered to others as services.  A lot of people receiving fragmented advice on social social is disjointed and schizo.  Cora’s Club/Millionaire Frequency actually offers a plan, a program, a practice that people can get into.  You can use your channel to magnetize people’s mindsets around the fact that you have a developed and test program to help with what everyone else is talking about.

-Signe Pierce, Artist/Healer

Alexandra coached me for over three months, helping me activate clarity on my scheduling, my path, my intentions with my music career, helping myself with self-worth, helping me with old patterns around creativity, clarity.  She completely supported me with my very hectic show schedule for my music project LEADR- working on creating a proper structure with shows, EVEN styling me for my performances.  She continues to connect me with BIG players in the music industry and just last month i landed an MTV interview.  I put in the work, and she provided me the structure to transform old beliefs to step into the readiness of that success.

-Xander/ They / She, Musician Los Angeles

was feeling a bit lost in my career direction and burnt out trying to navigate the daily demands of a high-demand creative career field.

I was at a place where I was trying to grow into the next role of my career but was exhausted in the process.

During our sessions, I felt supported, listened to, and empowered. Afterward, I felt a new sense of clarity on what I wanted and renewed energy and power to tackle each day with confidence. Since our sessions together, I've become more confident in my role as a leader in my company and industry. Seemingly out of nowhere, I've been given a new project to lead and people under me to lead and inspire.

I experienced an energetic shift of feeling like I was stepping into my power at work.

When I didn't see power as a bad thing but as something to embrace and create a healthy relationship with power.

Alexandra was very friendly, intuitive, and supportive. She has this amazing ability to hear what you are saying and help to clarify what the root message and what healing you need.

I most valued Alexandra's intuition, clarity, and knowledge in reprogramming and healing the brain and body. And her good energy and supportive, empowering demeanor.

I would tell them that they are in good hands and will benefit a lot from sessions with Alexandra.

-Jen Weigle, Designer, New York City

A joy to work with, had the ability to unblock things I wasn’t aware was blocking me both in my femininity and in my business. Alexandra has the ability to see through you and get to the root of what is blocking you from getting what you want!

-Caitlin Erica

“The most amazing and fabulous experience working with Alexandra! I did one session with Alexandra right before my sales call, and I made my sale! That sale was by far my highest ticket offer i’ve ever made. It was just really amazing how on point she was about the blocks and subtle resistances that were holding me back to get me on the level that we knew I had the potential for. When I came to her I was coming from a place of coming from having many many sales call that I wasn’t closing-so i’m deeply grateful, I really really think your work is so important, and I can’t wait to see the many many beautiful you’re going to help. XX mwah, big kiss”


My most recent theta healing with Alexandra left me feeling energized, relaxed, inspired, and supported. Alexandra’s presence is palpable, heartfelt, and genuine. Since my session with Alexandra, I’ve been able to reframe my inner dialogue, avoiding labels, deleting what does not serve, and replacing with language that empowers. This is so important in developing self confidence and self love. I hear Alex’s kind voice throughout my day asking: “What are the feelings of freedom?” Her suggestions around lifestyle are practical to incorporate and very helpful—for example, my homework this week was singing to open my throat so that I am empowered to ask for what I want, to bond with my sister so I can truly feel support, and to eat and nourish myself more regularly. I feel like I have support through all of this work with her easy to use scheduling app, she is just a few clicks away, and that means everything. Thank you so much, Alex, your healing energy is so appreciated!”

-Holly Barnett

Alexandra and I have been working closely together for several years now.  My now ex wife had recommended her to me and I immediately knew why.  I manifested a $20k client, my spirituality absolutely took a huge shift and I started becoming a lot lighter every time we had a session.

-Nathan Stock

“From the moment I met Alexandra I immediately liked her. She has a very sweet warm disposition. I wasn't sure what to expect in our Theta Session but really enjoyed it and experienced some deep insights and healing. As a fellow healer I understand the difficulty of quantifying spiritual work. (What is the value? Is it even working? etc.) I can promise you that working with Alexandra is worth it. She is incredibly intuitive and can precisely pinpoint areas in your life that need clearing or healing and addresses them in a loving way. She also has the ability to go beyond this time and space realm to offer a deeper wisdom. I highly recommend this sweet wise being.”

-Carolina, “Reclaim the Way”, Los Angeles