Reality Architecting-

Millionaire Frequency® Program

MillionaireFrequency® is a business coaching and abundance unblocking system. Utilizing the Unicorn Hybrid Black-a high-quality EEG headset to access your brain, we take a snap shot of your subconscious beliefs on what reality looks like for you, stories about abundance, money and business by measuring your brain waves. We then create a systemized RealityArchitect® Plan to unblock everywhere in your reality that isn’t aligned with a higher purpose, abundance, service and play. This personalized system is said to unblock entire new fields to create within.

The Program

  • MillionaireFrequency® program is a 3 month Abundance Unblocking System.

  • 1:1 Coaching/ThetaHealing® Sessions 3 x week

  • 1:1 RealtyArchitect® - Architecting yourself + Architecting Your Money 2 x month

  • Binaural Beats produced for your personal unblocking sessions 1 x month

  • Network Spinal Chiropractic Care with Specialty Doctors 1 x month

  • Diet Plan/Nutritional Support

  • 24/hour Support Communication via Voxer

The Tech

We use the Unicorn Hybrid Black. Your wearable, high-quality EEG headset to understand your brain, where your blocks are, and how we architect them to no longer stop the abundance and your dream world from manifesting.

Unblock Heaven

Unblock Heaven is a program focused on Decoding Beauty/Wealth In The Body, Understanding Timelines/Manifesting and Opening Up your Field to Receive Abundance.

The Program

Month 1


  • Week 1- Connecting/Nurturing the Inner Child from age 0-7

  • Week 2 - Clearing Stuck Body Memories

  • Week 3- Understanding Limiting Beliefs and Reality Creation

  • Week 4 -Creating Mastery for Clients

Month 2


  • Week 1 - Moving Forward from Old Stories

  • Week 2 - Mastering Illumination

  • Week 3 - Creating Clarity

  • Week 4 - Close The Door to Being Stuck

Month 3


  • Week 1 SettingUp Your Field

  • Week 2 Transforming Blocks into Money

  • Week 3 Moving into Millionaire Frequency

  • Week 4 Accepting Success with Clients